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Selasa, 27 Februari 2018

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Geneva-China Workshop in International Macroeconomics and Finance
src: graduateinstitute.ch
Not to be confused with the similarly-named Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations

The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, or the Graduate Institute (in French: Institut de hautes études internationales et du développement (previously known as Institut (universitaire) de hautes études internationales), abbreviated IHEID (previously HEI, IHEI, or IUHEI) is a post-graduate university located in Geneva, Switzerland.

In academic and professional circles, the school is considered one of the world's most prestigious institutions. The institution counts one UN Secretary-General (Kofi Annan), seven Nobel prize recipients, one Pulitzer Prize winner, and numerous ambassadors, foreign ministers, heads of state among its alumni, current and former faculty. The school is a full member of the APSIA, a group of the world's top schools in international affairs, and is accredited by the Swiss government as an independent academic institution.

Founded in 1927, the Graduate Institute of International Studies (IHEI or HEI) is continental Europe's oldest school of international relations and was the world's first university dedicated solely to the study of international affairs. It offered one of the first doctoral programs in international relations in the world. In 2008, the Graduate Institute absorbed the Graduate Institute of Development Studies, a smaller post-graduate institution also based in Geneva founded in 1961. The merger resulted in the current Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies.

Today the school is a small, highly selective institution with about 800 graduate students from over 100 countries. Foreign students make up nearly 80% of the student body and the school is officially a bilingual English-French institution, although the majority of classes are in English.. With Maison de la Paix acting as its primary seat of learning, the Institute's campuses are located blocks from the United Nations Office at Geneva, International Labour Organization, World Trade Organization, World Health Organization, International Committee of the Red Cross, World Intellectual Property Organization and many other international organizations.

It runs joint degree programmes with universities such as Smith College and Yale University, and is Harvard Kennedy School's only partner university to co-deliver double degrees.

Video Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies


The Graduate Institute of International Studies was co-founded in 1927 by two scholar-diplomats working for the League of Nations Secretariat: the Swiss William Rappard, Director of the Mandates Section, and the Frenchman Paul Mantoux, Director of the Political Section. A bilingual institution like the League, it was to train personnel for the nascent international organization. Its co-founder, Rappard, served as Director from 1928 to 1955.

The Institute's original mandate was based on a close working relationship with both the League of Nations and the International Labour Organization. It was agreed that in exchange for training staff and delegates, the Institute would receive intellectual resources and diplomatic expertise (guest lecturers, etc.) from the aforementioned organizations. According to its statutes, the Graduate Institute was "an institution intended to provide students of all nations the means of undertaking and pursuing international studies, most notably of a historic, judicial, economic, political and social nature."

The institute managed to attract a number of eminent faculty and lecturers, particularly from countries mired in oppressive Nazi regimes, e.g., Hans Wehberg and Georges Scelle for law, Maurice Bourquin for diplomatic history, and the rising young Swiss jurist, Paul Guggenheim. Indeed, it is said that William Rappard had observed, ironically, that the two men to whom the Institute owed its greatest debt were Mussolini and Hitler. Subsequently, more noted scholars would join the Institute's faculty. Hans Kelsen, the well-known theorist and philosopher of law, Guglielmo Ferrero, Italian historian, and Carl Burckhardt, scholar and diplomat all called the Graduate Institute home. Other arrivals, similarly seeking refuge from dictatorships, included the eminent free market economy historian, Ludwig von Mises, and another economist, Wilhelm Ropke, who greatly influenced German postwar liberal economic policy as well as the development of the theory of a social market system.

After a number of years, the Institute had developed a system whereby cours temporaires were given by prominent intellectuals on a week, semester, or yearlong basis. These cours temporaires were the intellectual showcase of the Institute, attracting such names as Raymond Aron, René Cassin, Luigi Einaudi, John Kenneth Galbraith, G. P. Gooch, Gottfried Haberler, Friedrich von Hayek, Hersch Lauterpacht, Lord McNair, Gunnar Myrdal, Harold Nicolson, Philip Noel Baker, Pierre Renouvin, Lionel Robbins, Jean de Salis, Count Carlo Sforza, Jacob Viner, and Martin Wight.

Another cours temporaire professor, Montagu Burton Professor of International Relations at Oxford University, Sir Alfred Zimmern, left a particularly lasting mark on the Institute. As early as 1924, while serving on the staff of the International Council for intellectual Cooperation in Paris, Zimmern began organizing international affairs summer schools under the auspices of the University of Geneva, 'Zimmern schools', as they became known. The initiative operated in parallel with the early planning for the launch of the Graduate Institute and the experience acquired by the former helped to shape the latter.

Despite its small size, (before the 1980s the faculty never exceeded 25 members), the Institute boasts four faculty members who have received Nobel Prizes for economics - Gunnar Myrdal, Friedrich von Hayek, Maurice Allais, and Robert Mundell. Three alumni have been Nobel laureates.

For a period of almost thirty years (1927-1954) the school was funded predominantly through the support of the Rockefeller Foundation. Since then the Canton of Geneva and the Swiss Federal Council bear most of the costs associated with the Institute. This transfer of financial responsibility coincided with the 1955 arrival of William Rappard's successor as Director of the Institute, Lausanne historian Jacques Freymond. Freymond inaugurated a period of great expansion, increasing the range of subjects taught and the number of both students and faculty, a process that continued well after his retirement in 1978. Under Freymond's tenure, the Graduate Institute hosted many international colloquia that discussed preconditions for east-west negotiations, relations with China and its rising influence in world affairs, European integration, techniques and results of politico-socioeconomic forecasting (the famous early Club of Rome reports, and the Futuribles project led by Bertrand de Jouvenel), the causes and possible antidotes to terrorism, Pugwash Conference concerns and much more. Freymond's term also saw many landmark publications, including the Treatise on international law by Professor Paul Guggenheim and the six-volume compilation of historical documents relating to the Communist International.

The parallel history of the Graduate Institute of Development Studies (French: Institut universitaire d'études du développement, IUED) also involves Freymond, who founded the institution in 1961 as the Institut Africain de Genève, or African Institute of Geneva. The Graduate Institute of Development Studies was among the pioneer institutions in Europe to develop the scholarly field of sustainable development. The school was also known for the critical view of many of its professors on development aid, as well as for its journal, the Cahiers de l'IUED It was at the center of a huge international network.

Recent merger

In 2008, the Graduate Institute of International Studies (HEI), absorbed the Graduate Institute of Development Studies (IUED), to create the current Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies (IHEID).

Maps Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies


Admission to the Graduate Institute's study programmes is highly competitive, with only 14% of applicants attending the Graduate Institute in 2014. The Institute awards its own degrees. It does not award undergraduate degrees.


As a small institution offering exclusively Masters and PhD programmes, the Institute does not participate in popular university ranking.

However, in Foreign Policy's 2014 Inside the Ivory Tower ranking of best international relations schools in the world, the Graduate Institute was one of five non-U.S. universities--with LSE, Oxford, Cambridge and Sciences Po Paris--to be included for best master's programs for policy career in international relations. In 2012, The Graduate Institute was listed among the Foreign Policy Association's "Top 50 International Affairs Graduate Programs." The LLM in international dispute settlement, offered jointly with the University of Geneva, was ranked second worldwide according to a 2012 survey of law firms conducted by the Global Arbitration Review.

Degree programs

Master of Arts in International Affairs (MIA)

The MIA is an intensive two-year interdisciplinary Master programme which begins with a rigorous foundation in quantitative and qualitative methods and in all the disciplines of the Institute. Courses follow in three thematic tracks: Trade & International Finance; Global Security; and Environment, Resources & Sustainability. All students undertake independent interdisciplinary research towards a dissertation. Applied Research Seminars expose them to stakeholders beyond academia and develop skills to design and execute research projects in partnership with them. Specialized, interactive, hands-on workshops help enhance professional skills, while internships for credit allow students to develop work skills and experience.

Master of Arts in Development Studies (MDEV)

The Master of Arts in Development Studies aims to equip students aspiring to careers in development with the theoretical, policy, and practical skills to tackle the great development challenges of our time. MDEV combines training in quantitative and qualitative methods with disciplinary courses in Anthropology/Sociology, Economics, History, and Law, and a unique interdisciplinary approach to three critical areas: Conflict and Peace-building; Development and Sustainability; and Human and Social Development.

Disciplinary Master of Arts (MA)

Each of the Graduate Institute's five academic departments--International Relations & Political Science; International History; International Law; International Economics; and Anthropology & Sociology of Development--offers a disciplinary MA. It is a two-year program and students are expected to write a master's thesis.

The International Economics programme offers rigor.

Master of Law in International Law (LL.M.)

The LL.M. was introduced in 2012. Students have the opportunity to discuss legal problems in tutorials, develop their professional skills in practical workshops and write an LL.M. paper on a topic within their specialty stream. Moreover, LL.M. participants undertake real legal work for a client as part of a law clinic.

Doctorate (PhD)

PhD students specialize in one disciplinary field. PhD candidates who wish to carry out bi-disciplinary research choose a main discipline (a major) and a second discipline (a minor).

Executive masters

Executive education programs include masters in International Negotiation and Policy-Making, Development Policies and Practices, International Oil and Gas Leadership.


The Graduate Institute has established joint or dual degree programs with: the MPA program at Harvard University's John F. Kennedy School of Government; the LL.M. in Global Health Law program at the Georgetown University's Law Center; the BA program at Yale University's Jackson Institute for Global Affairs; the BA program at Peking University; the BA program at Smith College; the BA program at the University of Hong Kong, and with the University of Geneva's LL.M. in International Dispute Settlement, LL.M. in International Humanitarian Law, Master's in Transational Justice, Master's of Advanced Studies in Humanitarian Action, Master's in Global Health, and Master's in Asian Studies.

Apart from the dual/joint degree programs, students also have the option to spend an exchange semester at Georgetown Law School, Harvard Law School, Michigan Law School, UCLA School of Law, Boston University School of Law, Yale University, the Elliott School of International Affairs at George Washington University, the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy at Tufts University, School of International Service at American University in Washington D.C., Northwestern University, Sciences Po Paris - Institut d'Études Politiques de Paris, the Hertie School of Governance in Berlin, Bocconi University in Italy, Libera Università Internazionale degli Studi Sociali Guido Carli in Italy, the Graduate School of International Studies at Seoul National University, the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore, the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies at Waseda University, University of Hong Kong, Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Peking University, KIMEP University, Gadjah Mada University, the School of International Studies at Jawaharlal Nehru University, University of Malaya, the American University in Cairo, Bo?aziçi University in Turkey, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Pontifical Catholic University of Peru, El Colegio de México, the University of Ghana, Cheikh Anta Diop University, Stellenbosch University, as well as the University of St. Gallen and ETH Zürich in Switzerland.

Furthermore, the Graduate Institute is an active member of the following associations and academic networks:

  • APSIA - Association of Professional Schools of International Affairs: The world's main academic institutions specialising in international relations and international public policy are represented among APSIA's thirty-odd members.
  • European University Association: Represents and supports more than 850 institutions of higher education in 46 countries, providing them with a forum for cooperation and exchange of information on higher education and research policies.
  • Europaeum: Created at the initiative of the University of Oxford, the Europaeum is composed of ten leading European institutions of higher education and research.
  • European Consortium for Political Research: The ECPR is an independent scholarly association that supports the training, research and cross-national cooperation of many thousands of academics and graduate students specialising in political science and all its sub-disciplines.
  • European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes: The EADI is the largest existing network of research and training institutes active in the field of development studies.
  • Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie: The AUF supports the build-up a French-language research area between French-speaking universities. The Institute is one of 536 members belonging to the AUF and takes part in its exchange programmes in the fields of teaching and research.
  • Swiss University Conference: The SUC is a governmental organization tasked with accrediting officially recognized Swiss universities.

The Graduate Institute, Geneva - Teaching, Training and Research ...
src: graduateinstitute.ch


The Campus de la paix is a network of buildings extending from Place des Nations (the United Nations Headquarters in Geneva) to the shores of Lake Geneva, spanning two public parks -- Parc Barton and Parc Moynier.

Maison de la paix

The Graduate Institute's main campus is the Maison de la paix ("House of Peace"), which opened in 2013. The Maison de la Paix is a 38,000 meter-square glass building distributed into six connected sections. It contains the Davis Library, which holds 350,000 books about social sciences, journals and annual publications, making it one of Europe's richest libraries in the fields of development and international relations. It is named after two Institute alumni--Ambassador Shelby Cullom Davis and his wife Kathryn Davis, following the Davis' $10 million donation to the Institute. The neighboring Picciotto Student Residence was completed in 2012 and provides 135 apartments for students and visiting professors.

In addition to serving as the Institute's main campus, the Maison de la paix also houses policy centres and advocacy groups with close ties to the Institute such as the Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF), the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP) the Geneva International Centre for Humanitarian Demining, Interpeace, the International Institute of Humanitarian Law and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development.

Historic villas

Another section of the campus are two historic villas situated by Lake Geneva, Villa Barton and Villa Moynier. Villa Barton served as the Institute's main campus for most of the school's history. It now mostly houses administrative staff. Villa Moynier, created in 2001 and which opened in October 2009, houses the Institute-based Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights. The building holds a symbolic significance as it was originally owned by Gustave Moynier, co-founder of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and subsequently used by the League of Nations and as the headquarters of the ICRC between 1933 and 1946.

Campus expansion

Expansion projects include the construction of the Portail des Nations (or Gate of Nations) near the Palace of Nations. The new building will house a series of conference rooms for students and host exhibitions on the role of Geneva in world affairs. The school has also partnered with the University of Geneva to open a center for international cooperation at the historic Castle of Penthes. And in 2017, the school announced it had retained the services of Japanese architect Kengo Kuma to build a 700-bed student housing building.

Maison de la paix, Graduate Institute of International and Stock ...
src: c8.alamy.com


The Institute's research activities are conducted both at fundamental and applied levels with the objective of bringing analysis to international actors, private or public, of main contemporary issues. These research activities are conducted by the faculty of the Institute, as part of their individual work, or by interdisciplinary teams within centres and programmes whose activity focus on these main fields:

  • Conflict, security, and peacebuilding
  • Development policies and practices
  • Culture, religion, and identity
  • Environment and natural resources
  • Finance and Development
  • Gender
  • Globalisation
  • Governance
  • Migration and refugees
  • Non-state actors and civil society
  • Rural development
  • Trade, regionalism, and integration
  • Dispute settlement
  • Humanitarian action

Furthermore, IHEID is home to the Swiss Chair of Human Rights, the Curt Gasteyger Chair in International Security and Conflict Studies, the André Hoffmann Chair in Environmental Economics, the Pictet Chair in Environmental International Law, the Pictet Chair in Finance and Development, the Yves Oltramare Chair on Politics and Religion, and the Swiss Chair of International Humanitarian Law.

Programmes and research centres

The centres and programmes of the Institute distribute analysis and research that contributes to the analysis of international organisations headquartered in Geneva:

  • The Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding is the Graduate Institute's focal point for research in the areas of conflict analysis, peacebuilding, and the complex relationships between security and development.
  • The Centre for International Environmental Studies was established in 2010 for the purpose of developing political, legal and economic discourse on problems related to the global environment. It is dedicated to the better understanding of the social, economic and political facets of global problems related to the environment.
  • The Centre for Trade and Economic Integration brings together the research activities of eminent professors of economics, law and political science in the area of trade, economic integration and globalization. The Centre provides a forum for discussion and dialogue between the global research community, including the Institute's student body and research centres in the developing world, and the international business community, as well as international organisations and NGOs.
  • The Centre for Finance and Development's research deals with finance and development at three levels: international finance, and development finance in particular, including the role played by the international financial institutions such as the IMF and the World Bank; financial development, including banking and financial sector development in emerging and developing countries, both from contemporary and historical perspectives; microeconomics of finance and development.
  • The Global Governance Centre provides a forum for scholars of governance and international organisations to interact with practitioners from the policy world in order to analyse global governance arrangements across a variety of issues.
  • The Global Health Program's activities focus on two pillars, namely global health governance and global health diplomacy.
  • The Global Migration Centre focus on the transnational dimensions of migration and its interdisciplinary orientation. By doing so the GMC seeks to fully grasp the complexities of mobility in a globalized world. To this end, it combines inputs from lawyers, political scientists, economists, historians, anthropologists and sociologists.
  • The Albert Hirschman Centre on Democracy explores the plurality of democratic experiences and aspirations in an interdisciplinary and comparative perspective.
  • The Programme on Gender and Global Change produces cutting-edge research on the workings of gender in development and international relations and serves as a channel for the dissemination of such knowledge in both the anglophone and the francophone worlds.
  • The Small Arms Survey is an independent research project that serves as the principal international source of public information on all aspects of small arms and armed violence and as a resource for governments, policy-makers, researchers, and activists.

The Graduate Institute, Geneva - Students - Order your Business Cards
src: graduateinstitute.ch


  • Refugee Survey Quarterly - Published by Oxford University Press and based at the Graduate Institute, the Refugee Survey Quarterly is a peer-reviewed journal focusing on the challenges of forced migration from multidisciplinary and policy-oriented perspectives.
  • Journal of International Dispute Settlement - Established by the Graduate Institute and the University of Geneva in 2010, the JIDS is dedicated to international law with commercial, economic and financial implications. It is published by Oxford University Press.
  • International Development Policy - A peer-reviewed e-journal that promotes cutting-edge research and policy debates on global development.
  • European Journal of Development Research - The European Journal of Development Research is a co-publication of the Graduate Institute and the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes with a multi-disciplinary focus.
  • Medicine Anthropology Theory - Medicine Anthropology Theory is an open-access journal that publishes scholarly articles, essays, reviews, and reports related to medical anthropology and science and technology studies.
  • Relations Internationales - Relations Internationales publishes research on international relations history ranging from the end of the 19th century to recent history.

Maison de la paix, Graduate Institute of International and Stock ...
src: c8.alamy.com


Legal status

IHEID is constituted as a Swiss private law foundation, Fondation pour les hautes études internationales et du développement, sharing a convention with the University of Geneva. This is a particular organizational form, because IHEID is constituted as a foundation of private law fulfilling a public purpose. In addition, the political responsibility for the Institute shared between the Swiss Confederation and the Canton of Geneva. Usually in Switzerland, it is the responsibility of the Cantons to run public universities, except for the Federal Institutes of Technology (ETHZ and EPFL). IHEID is therefore something like a hybrid institution, in-between the two standard categories.

Foundation Board

The Foundation Board is the administrative body of the Institute. It assembles academics, politicians, people of public life and practitioners. It includes among others: Carlos Lopes, currently UN Under Secretary General and Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Africa, Julia Marton-Lefèvre (former Director General of the International Union for Conservation of Nature), Joëlle Kuntz (journalist), and Tamar Manuelyan Atinc, (a former World Bank vice president).


The Institute is headed by Philippe Burrin and his deputy Elisabeth Prügl.

The Graduate Institute, Geneva - Admissions
src: graduateinstitute.ch

Notable alumni

The Graduate Institute has more than 18,000 alumni working around the world.

  • Kofi Annan - former Secretary-General of the United Nations and 2001 Nobel Peace Prize recipient
  • Mohamed ElBaradei - Egyptian jurist and diplomat, former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency and 2005 Nobel Peace Prize recipient
  • Leonid Hurwicz - Polish-American economist and mathematician, Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics in 2007
  • Micheline Calmy-Rey - former President of the Swiss Confederation
  • Kurt Furgler - former President of the Swiss Confederation
  • Michel Kafando - Interim President of Burkina Faso
  • Alpha Oumar Konaré - ex-president of Mali
  • Henri, Grand Duke of Luxembourg
  • Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete - fourth President of Tanzania


Nobel laureates

  • Kofi Annan (DEA 1962), former Secretary-General of the United Nations and 2001 Nobel Peace Prize winner
  • Mohamed ElBaradei (DEA 1964), Egyptian jurist and diplomat, former Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency, 1997-2009, and 2005 Nobel Peace Prize winner
  • Leonid Hurwicz (1940), Polish-American economist and mathematician, 2007 winner of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics



Law, politics and government

Heads of state

Cabinet Ministers


Members of Parliament

Public officials

United Nations and international organisations




International law

International relations and political science


  • George W. Grace (Licence 1948), linguist specializing in Oceanic languages of Melanesia

Broadcasting, journalism and literature


  • Duarte Pio, Duke of Braganza and pretender to the throne of Portugal
  • Princess Nora of Liechtenstein
  • Maria Teresa, Grand Duchess of Luxembourg

Public policy


  • Jack Fahy, US government official and suspected spy during World War II
  • Jacques Piccard, deep-sea explorer and inventor
  • Kathryn Wasserman Davis, American philanthropist
  • Saadia Zahidi, head of Gender Parity and Human Capital of the World Economic Forum

Maison de la paix, Graduate Institute of International and Stock ...
src: c8.alamy.com

Notable faculty



Online courses from The Graduate Institute of International and ...
src: ugc.futurelearn.com


Maison de la paix, Graduate Institute of International and Stock ...
src: c8.alamy.com


  • The Graduate Institute of International Studies Geneva: 75 years of service towards peace through learning and research in the field of international relations, The Graduate Institute, 2002.

Partner Institutions â€
src: www.cis.ethz.ch

External links

  • Official website

Source of the article : Wikipedia
